Don’t Break The Sausage

is a game I created for the “game week” (a one week game jam) in my school.

I was in a team composed of 2 Programmers, 1 Game Designer, 3 Game Artists and also 2 Sound Designers.

my main challenge on this project was the physics of the sausage and the bread.

I began by making a script that creates gameobjects with 2D colliders, rigidbodies, and hinge joints attached to each others. I then generated a Bezier spline going through all thoses gameObjects. I then used this curve to create a 2D mesh for the sausage. this way, it looks nice and smooth even if the sausage is twisted.

this technique I used is working well, but there is also other options, like using a post-processing shader instead of generating a mesh, but for mobile platforms, post processing support depends a lot of the phone and I chose stability over performances here.

Don’t break the sausage was awarded the Originality prize at the end of the week, and has been offered the opportunity to be published by webedia games.